The TalkNotes Ad Case Study

Talknotes is a platform that turns voice recordings into notes.

I took a look at their product to understand how it actually worked. A platform for people that just wanted to turn their thoughts into written text. I had to find a way to communicate that clearly.

The Challenge

As technology progresses, people get more lazy to do the most basic things. In this case, it's picking up your phone to start typing out a trend of thought. Sometimes, we can all agree it's really a chore. Just speaking into your phone and having it translate to text just seems so much easier. But how do you communicate this in an interesting way?

The Hook Is Everything

The video started with a strong hook, "When a thought comes to your mind, what do you do?". We needed an instant attention grabber when scripting the video. It's most important we bring the problem up immediately at the beginning to grab the attention of the viewer. On screen, we have a character that seems to be in deep thought.

Show! Don't Tell!

Being a very short video, I went ahead to show a few ways that we people would react if a thought hit them and they had to respond.

Present Talknotes as A Solution

I use strong visuals to communicate how talknotes actually work and close off with the link to the website.

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